
Fundraising Platform

Our Product Setup Walkthrough

WishLay Environmental Conservation

Sign Up

We offer three different types of accounts tailored to suit your unique needs.

  • Leaders of Social Good – Ideal for social entrepreneurs running registered for-profit businesses with a mission to create social change.
  • Nonprofit OrganizationPerfect for actively registered nonprofits looking to raise funds or receive gifts-in-kind for their cause.
  • Donor – Designed for generous individuals who are eager to support causes that matter to them.


We have a 4-step onboarding process designed to ensure the integrity and authenticity of your organization.

  • Organization Verification: Completing the entity verification form.
  • Confirm Address: Verify shipping address information.
  • Payout Method: Adding a payout method.
  • Organization Page: Customize the organization page.


We have a 4-step onboarding process designed to ensure the integrity and authenticity of your organization.

  • Organization Verification: Complete entity verification form.
  • Confirm Address: Verify shipping address information.
  • Payout Method: Adding a payout method.
  • Organization Page: Customize the organization page.

Organization Page

Showcase your mission and wishlist, allowing nonprofits to receive direct cash donations.

  • Showcase Your Mission: Present your mission, helping potential donors understand the impact you’re striving to make.
  • Highlight Your Wishlist: This page is the central hub for your wishlists, making it easy for supporters to browse and contribute to the specific products, services, or monetary goals you’ve outlined

Build Your Wishlist

We offer three different types of wishlists.

  • Product Wishlist: Select specific products from the WishLay catalog that your organization needs. Once funded, WishLay completes the fulfillment and delivery. Use Case
  • Service Wishlist: List the services your organization requires, along with the associated costs. Donors can contribute directly to these needs, helping you cover essential services. Use Case
  • Monetary Donation Wishlist: Set a goal amount your organization aims to achieve. Donors can contribute towards this goal, providing the flexibility to use the funds where they are most needed. Use Case

Build Your Wishlist

We offer three different types of wishlists.

  • Product Wishlist: Select specific products from the WishLay catalog that your organization needs. Once funded, WishLay completes the fulfillment and delivery. Use Case
  • Service Wishlist: List the services your organization requires, along with the associated costs. Donors can contribute directly to these needs, helping you cover essential services. Use Case
  • Monetary Donation Wishlist: Set a goal amount your organization aims to achieve. Donors can contribute towards this goal, providing the flexibility to use the funds where they are most needed. Use Case

Share and Promote

Showcase your mission and wishlist, allowing nonprofits to receive direct cash donations.

  • Organization URL: Share your organization’s unique URL to give supporters direct access to your mission, wishlists, and donation options all in one place.
  • Wishlist URL: Each wishlist has a unique URL, allowing you to promote specific fundraising campaigns directly to your audience for targeted support.

Fundraising Platform


Popular Questions

WishLay is a fundraising platform that enables organizations to create wishlists for products, services, or monetary donations, allowing them to raise funds through crowdfunding campaigns.

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